Asiaknow's Protocol of Registration

Welcome, which is a social networking site for adult services, by (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") operations. according to the following terms of service for your service, the terms of the statement applies to all content network under domain (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), but also applies to any communication between us and you by e-mail . Before you use the services provided, please carefully read the Terms of Service.

I. Acceptance of Terms

1. This agreement includes all kinds of rules and protocols for all Asiaknow has issued or may be issued in the future. All the rules for an integral part of the agreement, and the agreement has the same legal effect.

2. Using in any way and our service means that you have fully read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Terms").

3. according to the website need to amend "terms", and in the form of Notice to be updated, no notice to you separately. The revised "terms" immediately become effective after the website publish. If you do not agree to amend, please stop using the "service." If you continue to use the "service", it will be deemed your acceptance of the revised by this website "terms". When you dispute, with the latest "Terms" prevail.

II. Qualification for Registration

1. You must be 18 years of age to register as a member of this website or use of this site. Membership services of this website is prohibited within the range is invalid. By using this website, you represent and warrant that you have the right and ability to enter into this agreement and to abide by all the terms of this agreement and conditions.

2. The account and password security. After completing the Service's registration process, you will receive a password and account. Maintain the confidentiality of the password and account, it is your responsibility. You are responsible for all of your password and account activities with entirely responsible.

1) Your password or account has been unauthorized use, or any other security problems occur, you must immediately notify the site.

2) Every time after you use, please turn off your account. If you are not in accordance with the foregoing provisions, anyone to use your password and account, you should bear full responsibility. For any loss or damage arising therefrom, this site can not and does not take any responsibility.

3) Each user must account fully responsible for all activities and events. If you do not protect your account and password, the damage caused by this website or a third party, you will bear full responsibility.

III. Termination of Service

You are entitled to make this site to cancel your account. After examination and approval, this site will cancel your account. You with this website based on the contractual relationship of this Agreement shall cease. Once your account is canceled, there is no obligation for you to this site or to retain any information you disclose in your account, there is no obligation to you or any third party to forward you've never read or send messages.

IV. Content on the site and Prohibited Content

1. have the right to review and delete any content, messages, information, photos or profiles (collectively, "Content"). As long as after a reasonable judgment that such content violates this agreement or is offensive, illegal, or violate the rights, harm, or threaten the safety of members.

2. The following is a partial list of illegal or prohibited content of this website. reserves the following rights: the right to modify the list, according to their own independent judgment against anyone who violates this provision to investigate and take appropriate legal action, including but not limited to, removing the offending communication from the website and terminate the membership of such violators. The contents include the following:

1) You have significant offensive to online dating site as racial discrimination , bigotry, hatred or physical harm to bring content to any group or individual;

2) Harasses or advocates harassment of another person;

3) Spread "junk mail," "chain letters," or unsolicited mass mailing or "spamming";

4) False propaganda, misleading information, or promotes illegal activities or promotes abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or libelous behavior;

5) Provide instructional information about illegal activities such as making or buying illegal weapons, violating someone's privacy, or providing or creating computer viruses;

6) Solicits passwords or personal identifying information from other users, for commercial or unlawful purposes;

7) Without our prior written consent to participate in commercial activities and / or sales activities, such as contests, sweepstakes, barter, advertising, and pyramid schemes.

V. On costs

1. You are all payable taxes due on this site to trade in this website for paid services that occur, as well as communications, network services and other aspects of the costs borne by you. The website reserves in without written notice, just in case the site publicity, temporarily or permanently, the right to change or discontinue some or all of "service". This site has the right to change the price of services, but will notify you of a paid before arrival at your next. If you do not agree to these changes, you use the period after the expiry of the current discontinue use. If your service concessions have specific deadlines and price, then the price is valid for the period. After the end of the concession period, the price of your use of the service will be the new standard.

2. Statement: This site currency are virtual currency, not a private sale and exchange of any kind. After you recharge is successful, we will not be returned. We will crack down on "money laundering" behavior. If found, we immediately handed over to judicial organs.

VI. Privacy and Security

Respect user privacy is a basic policy of this site, so without the user's authorization, we can not be disclosed, edit or rent, sell to anyone, except in the following circumstances:

1) You agree to share the information;

2) Only disclose your personal information to provide you with the requested products and services;

3) For the removal of danger in your life, body or urgent aspects of property; to prevent significant harm to the rights of others;

4) We need to represent us to provide products or services to provide information (unless we notify you otherwise, otherwise these companies have no right to use your personally identifiable information);

5) We need to obey court summons, legal orders or follow the proceedings;

6) We found that you violated the terms of service of this website or any use of the provisions of other goods and services.

VII. Other

Use our site constitutes acceptance of this agreement, become a member of the Service, said further confirmation. This Agreement contains the entire agreement concerning the use of this Website and / or the Service between you and If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.